Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The TarGard Tapes - Episode 1 : Meet Mariam

I am very proud to announce the addition of The TarGard Tapes to the blog!

The team at TarGard really loves to brag about how great the cigarette filters are - we see and hear how wonderful they are everyday. Frankly, we just can't say enough great things about them!

But at the end of the day the best people to talk to you and educate you about TarGard is the people that USE IT!

So here we are, sharing interviews of people just like you - either they have used the filters forever or maybe they are just trying it for the first time - telling you how they feel about TarGard, smoking and so much more!

Today we bring you Mariam - a smoker for over 60 years and one of our favorite TarGard customers!

Without further ado, meet Mariam!

A huge thank you to Mariam for sharing her TarGard story with us!

What did you think? What would you like to see? Would you like to be a part of The TarGard Tapes? E-mail me now at khoxie@venturi-inc.com or post a comment.

To learn more about Targard, please visit www.targard.com

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